Submitted by Florida Web Media on
Our websites score 90+ in page speed tests

When you need a website or website re-design, there are thousands of web design firms out there to choose from. But why pick Florida Web Media? We design “A” grade website. Our websites score 90+ in Google Page Speed and Yahoo! YSlow tests. Site visitors do not like slow websites and neither do search engines. In fact, slow load times lead to both high bounce rates and low conversion numbers.
Why does website speed matter?
A website needs to load faster for both end users and search engines. Studies show that users leave a site if it doesn’t load in about three seconds or less. Similarly, when search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo visit your website, it looks at a whole lot more than just keywords and links to determine rankings. The fact is search engine algorithms also analyze your website performance data such as bounce rate and site speed. It helps search engines determine whether your Web page should be in the search engine result pages (SERPs). In other words, if your site loads faster, it indicates your website is delivering good user experiences and more likely to rank higher in the SERPs.
What does Florida Web Media do to make a website load faster?
We have a very simple recipe and it is, keep website simple. It can be tempting to add heavy graphics and lots of bells and whistles to your site. However, this can overwhelm your website visitors and cause them to leave your site. It is likely that high bounce rate negatively impacts organic search ranking. Therefore, minimizing the bells and whistles and optimizing or eliminating heavy graphics can actually improve your website visibility as well as conversion rates. The bottom line, lose the clutter.
So why settle for a slow website? Keep your users happy and engaged by providing a fast performing website! Contact Florida Web Media today and have us design an “A” grade website for your business.